this is an early early work in progress!! 🚧 expect bugs, missing features, and regular database wipes

Songish Star

starting at $5/month

Recieve a ⭐️ on your profile!

Show your support for Songish by recieving a gold star next to your name in the feed, and an exclusive title on your profile!

A screenshot showing the 'Songish Star Member' title on a user's profile, and a star next to their name in the feed.
A screenshot showing the Songish sidebar twice, with two different custom backgrounds.

Custom Backgrounds

Show off your style with custom backgrounds on your profile! These custom backgrounds also show accross Songish, and are visible to everyone who visits your page.

Support Songish

Support the Songish Team! (which is just @matt) As a small team, we rely on your support to continue to develop Songish.

A picture of the Songish logo next to a heart.